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- ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- //original zdrojak: Jan Koci (koci.opengl.cz)//
- //upravil: Peter AdamΦφk //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- #ifndef _Q3BSP_H_
- #define _Q3BSP_H_
- #include "q3bitset.h"
- #include "q3enums.h"
- #include "q3structs.h"
- //---------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------
- {
- D3DXVECTOR3 pos; // pozicia
- DWORD color; // farba
- FLOAT tu, tv; // texturove suradnice
- FLOAT tu2, tv2; // suradnice lightmapy
- };
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Name: QBSP class
- // Desc: Trieda Q3 BSP
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- class QBSP
- {
- private:
- LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER9 g_pVB ; //vertex buffer
- LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 *Texture ; //texturovy zasobnik
- LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 *LightMap ; //lightmapy
- public:
- //konÜtruktor deÜtruktor
- QBSP();
- ~QBSP();
- // The number of verts in the model
- // PoΦet vrchol∙ scΘny
- int m_iNumOfVerts;
- // The number of faces in the model
- // PoΦet ploÜek scΘny
- int m_iNumOfFaces;
- // The number of texture maps
- // PoΦet textur
- int m_iNumOfTextures;
- // The number of light maps
- // PoΦet lightmap textur
- int m_iNumOfLightmaps;
- // The number of nodes
- // PoΦet uzl∙
- int m_iNumOfNodes;
- // The number of leafs
- // PoΦe list∙
- int m_iNumOfLeafs;
- // The number of leaf faces
- // PoΦet ploÜek v listu
- int m_iNumOfLeafFaces;
- // The number of planes
- // PoΦet d∞licφch ploch
- int m_iNumOfPlanes;
- // This will store how many faces are drawn and are seen by the camera
- // Kontrolnφ prom∞nnß, kterß uklßdß, kolik ploÜek se renderuje
- int m_iVisibleFaces;
- // PoΦet koliznφch srß₧ek v listu
- int m_iNumOfLeafBrushes;
- // PoΦet koliznφch srß₧ek
- int m_iNumOfBrushes;
- // PoΦet koliznφch ploch srß₧ek
- int m_iNumOfBrushSides;
- // Kontrolnφ prom∞nnß, kterß uklßdß, kolik kolizφ se provßdφ
- int m_iVisibleBrushes;
- int m_pppiBoundingBox[6][4][3]; // [6]poΦet stran, [4]poΦet vrchol∙ strany, [3]xyz pozice vrcholu
- int m_iNumSkyTex; // PoΦet textur nebe
- int m_piSkyTex[10]; // Id hodnoty textur nebe
- int m_iNumOfShaders; // PoΦet efekt∙
- int *m_piShaderBrushIndex; // Index efektu, pot°ebnß pro zamezenφ detekce kolize nap°. z mlhou
- int m_iNumOfModels; // PoΦet model∙
- int *m_piModelBrushIndex; // Index modelu, pot°ebnß pro zamezenφ detekce kolize
- int m_iNumOfMeshVertices; // PoΦet vrchol∙ meÜφ
- int *m_piMeshVertices; // Pole vrchol∙ meÜφ
- // The object's vertices
- // Vrcholy scΘny
- TBspVertex *m_ptBspVertex;
- // The faces information of the object
- // PloÜky scΘny
- TBspFace *m_ptBspFace;
- // The nodes information of the BSP scene
- // Uzly BSP scΘny
- TBspNode *m_ptBspNode;
- // The leafs information of the BSP scene
- // Listy BSP scΘny
- TBspLeaf *m_ptBspLeaf;
- // The splitter planes of the BSP scene
- // D∞licφ plochy BSP scΘny
- TBspPlane *m_ptBspPlane;
- // The Brushes
- // Koliznφ srß₧ky
- TBspBrush *m_ptBspBrush;
- // The splitter planes of the Brush side
- // D∞licφ plochy koliznφch srß₧ek
- TBspBrushSides *m_ptBspBrushSides;
- // The leaf faces of the BSP scene
- // PloÜky list∙ BSP scΘny
- int *m_piLeafFaces;
- // The clusters of the BSP scene
- // Data pro detekci viditelnosti portßl∙
- TBspVisData m_tBspVisData;
- // The brushes
- // Koliznφ srß₧ky listu
- int *m_piLeafBrushes;
- TBspShader *m_ptBspShader; // Efekty
- TBspModel *m_ptBspModel; // Modely
- // The bitset for the faces that have/haven't been drawn
- // Prom∞nnß pro detekci, zda mß b²t ploÜka vykreslena Φi ne
- K_CBitset m_BitsetFacesDrawn;
- ////////////////////
- ////////////////////
- void FillVertexBuffer();
- void RenderFace(int i_face_index);
- int FindLeaf(VECTOR3D CamPos);
- bool CheckBrushCollision(int i_leaf_index);
- int IsClusterVisible(int i_camera_in_cluster, int i_test_cluster);
- ////////////////////
- // FUNKCIE //
- ////////////////////
- bool LoadBSP(const char *pc_filename,float Gamma);
- void RenderBSP();
- bool ColliseBSP(VECTOR3D Point);
- };
- #endif //_Q3BSP_H_